Mcgallergy18, Author At McGovern Allergy And Asthma Clinic
Hives Treatment: When to See Your Allergist

Hives Treatment: When to See Your Allergist

Hives, also known as urticaria, are a common allergic reaction that manifests as red, itchy welts on the skin. While hives often resolve on their own, there are times when seeking professional hives treatment from an allergist is crucial. This blog will discuss how hives are triggered, what they look and feel like, and when to talk to your allergist about a treatment plan. How You Get Hives A variety of factors can trigger hives. Allergic reactions to foods such as nuts, shellfish, and eggs, as well as insect...

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Allergy Action Plan for Children: 7 Steps to Prepare for Back to School

Allergy Action Plan for Children: 7 Steps to Prepare for Back to School

As the new school year approaches, parents of children with allergies face unique challenges. A comprehensive allergy action plan is essential to ensure your child’s safety and well-being. Here’s a step-by-step guide to preparing an effective allergy action plan for your child as they return to school. Step 1: Identify Allergies and Triggers The first step in creating an allergy action plan is identifying your child’s allergies and triggers. Common allergens include: Food Allergens: Peanuts,...

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Allergy Specialist: What Sets Them Apart from Regular Physicians?

Allergy Specialist: What Sets Them Apart from Regular Physicians?

Allergy specialists, also known as allergists, play a crucial role in healthcare, particularly for individuals with allergic conditions. What sets them apart from regular physicians, and why should you consider consulting an allergy specialist for your concerns? Specialized Medical Training Allergy specialists undergo extensive training and education on allergic diseases and conditions. They complete medical school, followed by residency training in internal medicine or pediatrics, and then pursue further...

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Asthma Doctor: Top Ways an Allergist Can Help Your Asthma Symptoms

Asthma Doctor: Top Ways an Allergist Can Help Your Asthma Symptoms

Are you struggling with asthma symptoms? Seeking help from an asthma doctor, also known as an allergist, can significantly improve your quality of life. Allergists specialize in diagnosing and treating asthma and other allergic conditions, providing personalized care to manage your symptoms effectively. Here are the top ways an allergist can help you with your asthma symptoms: Accurate Diagnosis To accurately diagnose asthma, an asthma doctor will conduct thorough evaluations, including medical history reviews,...

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Over-the-Counter Allergy Medications: How to Choose the Right One for You

Over-the-Counter Allergy Medications: How to Choose the Right One for You

Are seasonal allergies making your life miserable? Itchy eyes, sneezing fits, and runny nose can damage your day. Fortunately, many over-the-counter allergy medications can help you find relief. However, with so many options on the market, how do you choose the right one? Let’s explore some tips to help you make an informed decision. Identify Your Symptoms Before selecting an allergy medication, it’s essential to identify your specific symptoms. Do you primarily experience nasal congestion, itchy...

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