Payment Policy

McGovern Allergy and Asthma Payment Policy
The McGovern Allergy and Asthma Clinic makes every effort to keep its fees for services as low as possible. Prompt payment allows us to keep the cost related to our services down.
The clinic’s general policy is to collect payment for all services at the time of each visit. There are certain insurance carriers (HMOs/PPOs/IPAs) with which we have contracted to provide services under special rules. Prior to scheduling an appointment, contact your insurance carrier to ensure McGovern Allergy and Asthma Clinic, P.A. is covered by your insurance policy. Once you schedule your appointment, ask our representative if your insurance carrier is qualified under special rules. If so, we ask that you pay all required deductible and copayment amounts at the time of your visit.
Do not forget to bring any required authorization forms with you. Failure to do so may result in a delay of your appointment. If we do not file with your insurance company, please bring one of your carrier’s claim forms with you with the applicable patient and employer information filled in. We will complete the form and mail it for you.
For a list of all of the insurance plans we accept click here.